
The terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer apply to the website https://BarnacleAI.com/.

Coin Listings Disclaimer

If you come across any coin listings that you believe are inaccurate, please contact us via email, and we will investigate the issue promptly.
The coin rankings and listings available on this website are based on publicly accessible APIs intended for business use. This data is not produced by BarnacleAI, and therefore it comes without any warranties and may change as the market capitalization of the listed coins fluctuates.
Investing in cryptocurrencies involves a high level of risk, and BarnacleAI strongly encourages all investors to perform comprehensive research before making any investment decisions.
The term "Coin Rankings" refers to the process of ordering cryptocurrencies by their market capitalization from the largest to the smallest. These rankings are not meant as endorsements or recommendations to take any action. They are solely provided for informational purposes.

No Investment Advice

The content on this website does not constitute investment, financial, trading, or any other type of advice, and should not be treated as such. BarnacleAI does not recommend that you buy, sell, or hold any cryptocurrency. You should conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Information Accuracy

BarnacleAI will strive to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website but will not be held responsible for any missing or incorrect information. All information on BarnacleAI is provided "as is." By using this information, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk.

Use Trading Strategies At Your Own Risk

The purpose of BarnacleAI is to provide general market commentary. The content on our website should not be interpreted as recommendations, trading strategies, or investment advice of any kind. It is your responsibility to verify and decide which trades to make. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This disclaimer is not intended to be a promise or guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly.
We are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using any trading strategies obtained from our website, https://BarnacleAI.com/. The content of this disclaimer is primarily for educational purposes and/or general market commentary. The accuracy of the information is not assured, and no warranty is implied or conceivable regarding the prediction of future events.
The content of this website does not represent an endorsement of any cryptocurrency, digital token, digital asset, ICO, or other product or service, including but not limited to a cryptocurrency portfolio, an investment strategy, or a transaction. None of the information on our website, https://BarnacleAI.com/, should be interpreted as a recommendation for any specific individual or business.

Non Endorsement

The presence of third-party advertisements and hyperlinks on BarnacleAI does not imply that BarnacleAI endorses, guarantees, warrants, or recommends these third parties. You should conduct your own research before choosing to use any third-party services.